Odoo E-commerce Website Builder

Odoo e-Commerce:
Your All-in-One Solution for Online Sales Success!

Unleash the Full Potential of Your Online Store with Odoo E-commerce in Malaysia. It offers easy website building, secure payment gateways, and seamless integration with multiple courier partners, paving the way for your online success!

Craft your dream online store effortlessly, with payment security and courier partnerships guaranteed.

Create a stunning website
without coding skill

Create a stunning website without coding skill


Drag-and-Drop Editor

drag-and-drop editor - Odoo E-commerce

No coding skills are needed! Effortlessly enhance your website by adjusting layouts, colors, and content with our user-friendly drag-and-drop interface. 

Seamless Customization

customization design - Odoo E-commerce

Elevate your user interface with features like animated shapes and an image wall, ensuring your website stands out as a top-notch masterpiece.


mobile responsive website builder - Odoo E-commerce

Your website will look flawless on any device, ensuring a seamless user experience.

Conquer Your Challenges with Odoo E-commerce!

Odoo E-commerce Success Story

Odoo E-commerce is an user-friendly platform enables stunning, customizable stores without coding. Seamlessly integrated with powerful SEO and a drag-and-drop editor. Elevate your online store now! 

See How Odoo Helps Fit & Rack to streamline their Business

The Features and Benefits


User Friendly
Website Building Tools

Visually Stunning Online Store

Odoo E-commerce empowers you to craft a visually stunning online store that mirrors your brand’s identity.

Craft visually appealing pages effortlessly.

Easily customize layouts, colors, fonts, and more with our user-friendly design tools.

Build your website easily by selecting from native themes, or create your own!

SEO Friendly with Odoo E-commerce

Enhanced Online Visibility

Odoo E-commerce offers a powerful SEO feature set to significantly boost your online visibility.

Odoo E-commerce optimizes your page titles to improve search engine ranking, making your products and content more discoverable.

Create compelling and SEO-friendly meta descriptions that entice visitors while improving your search engine visibility.

Benefit from Odoo E-commerce’s SEO capabilities to ensure your store ranks higher in search engine results, driving more organic traffic to your website.

Buyer's Funnel Optimization

Effortless Payment and Shipping

Experience the future of payment and shipping with Odoo, where convenience, precision, and efficiency are the pillars of your e-commerce success. 

Enjoy a multitude of payment choices, from Paypal to custom methods, enhancing the shopping experience for your customers.

Bid farewell to manual shipping cost calculations. Odoo’s integrated Delivery Method configurator ensures transparent, accurate pricing, delighting your customers.

Seamlessly integrate with industry leaders like DHL, FedEx, and more. Enhance order management and provide real-time tracking, building customer trust and satisfaction.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, with Odoo Ecommerce, you have full control over the design of your online store. Our intuitive tools allow you to easily customize layouts, colors, fonts, and more to create a visually stunning store that reflects your brand.​

Odoo Ecommerce is a comprehensive platform that covers various aspects of your business. It includes functionalities for sales, delivery, and accounting, making it an all-in-one solution for managing your e-commerce operations.​

Yes, Odoo Ecommerce provides robust inventory management capabilities. You can efficiently manage your product catalog, track stock levels, and automate reordering, ensuring a seamless ordering process for your customers.​

Odoo Ecommerce supports AsiaPay integration, offering a wide range of payment gateways, including VISA, Mastercard, FPX, E-wallets, and more. This enables you to provide your customers with multiple payment options, ensuring a convenient and flexible checkout experience.

Odoo Ecommerce caters to businesses of all sizes. Whether you’re a small startup or a large enterprise, our platform offers the scalability and flexibility needed to support your growth and meet your unique business needs.​

Get ready to boost your online business?

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